Terms & Conditions

This blog-site is really an expression of my journey towards a healthier, natural way of living which is in sync with nature and a healthy-wholesome society as a whole as per my beliefs and understandings. So obviously what I am expressing as having worked for me- is my own "look at my situation". Each person is different- we all come from different backgrounds, understanding, culture and beliefs. So what worked for me may not work for you. In fact- considering we are each individuals- the chances are very high that you will need to modify my choices, actions for your individual need and scenario.

Please note that by continuing to read this blog-site, you agree that you have read and understand these terms and conditions and are continuing to read or utilize information from this site at your own responsibility and risk. Under no circumstances can you hold us responsible for any outcome or result from your having read or followed any of the expressions/suggestions/recommendations from this site.

Terms and Conditions for using this site are very simple.

This site expresses several ideas and opinions which are believed by several ancient cultures but have not been validated or verified by scientific study. Also, some of the views expressed on this site may not be acceptable to you personally or be considered correct/acceptable/legal in your country of residence or usage. Our apologies in advance, since the purpose of this site is to spread awareness by expressing one's personal life experiences, understandings and lessons- it is NOT to counter any particular concept or thinking or counter any particular religious or political beliefs. If you find the information on this site irrelevant, meaningless or unacceptable then please do not use this site. Also, if the details expressed on this site are not considered as appropriate by the local authorities in your country of residence and usage, then again, we ask that you do not use this site.

Any "advice" and "guidance" that is mentioned here is expressed in the standard English usage of those words and expresses the writer's opinions and/or experiences. It is not an indication of any medical, psychological or religious advice as provided by an educationally qualified person in those areas. 

We hope you expand your understanding and that many of the ideas and suggestions provided on this site help you. BUT we do not take on any implicit or explicit liability for anyone following any of those suggestions, ideas or advices. This is also applicable for any comments and discussions being carried out on this site. Please consult someone properly qualified in those areas to consider your particular scenario and provide you appropriate consultation.

Special disclaimer around any "healing advice" expressed on this site-

We believe in natural and holistic living. Though we have tried to find out as much information as possible while bringing you comprehensive information on these natural remedies and other topics, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of any of the information mentioned herein.

Many of the Holistic Healing Traditions mentioned herein have been the mode of healing and leading healthy lives since time immemorial and are thus typically time-tested. But, these techniques and the corresponding herbs, supplements etc. have typically not been clinically tested & hence are not approved by the FDA or similar Governmental and/or Medical Agency.

We strongly recommend that one take these and other herbs, supplements, other holistic healing aids & advices under the guidance of a Professionally Trained Holistic Natural Health Practitioner and a Medical Doctor. Consult your own medical doctor regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations mentioned herein with respect to your symptoms, medical condition or case scenario. 

Also note that the words "heal" and "healing" are used here in standard Colloquial English Language context for conveying the beneficial qualities of the various remedies/nutrients/lifestyles/practices and is NOT intended to convey any "medical healing" as practiced by a medical doctor.

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